~ the evolution of dreams ~
July 14, 2005,9:32 p.m.
on the verge
it's black out. there are squares of light popping up randomly across the row of windows in our living room. pip is hunched on the couch, staring at me type. he has been meowing all night - tony has been at a work party, so i came home alone and pip knows something is wrong. he misses tony.

it's been a busy week. i'm trying to get as much done as possible over the next few days because i am going away for three weeks, to waterloo, to do a course. the course is actually a year long, and i will be leaving sporadically here and there over the next few months. when i come back i will have only a few days left with the pipmonster, which will be sad. hopefully he and tony will be ok while i'm gone.

i am going to miss them a lot. these past few weeks i've just been concentrating on spending as much time - absorbing as much of the people i love and live with - as i can before the craziness starts again. i hope things go well. for everyone as well as myself.


posted by sappho
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