~ the evolution of dreams ~
June 15, 2005,4:34 p.m.
weird vibes
everyone is being touchy and horrid today. what is in the air? it's odd because people are being very snarky about things that I am not accountable for. Most of the time, it is stuff that is due to miscommunication on THEIR part. Don't get me wrong, I have enough of a balanced perspective to recognize when I am at fault for things; but I am just told to do stuff, or people aren't clear about what they are doing, and then they are short-tempered with me.

it must be something in the air. or else i'm on a different planet today. it's funny, usually i get really hurt or upset when people are snippy with me, but today i haven't - it's like i've got a steel case of perspective from which i stand and can see the world objectively, and understand that they are probably tired or just having a bad day, which explains their behaviour. it is puzzling though, that THREE people in completely different settings have been very rude to me today.

very odd.


posted by sappho
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