~ the evolution of dreams ~
April 13, 2005,6:47 p.m.
i've been really angry the past few days. i knew there was something wrong with my anger and that i needed to 'get beyond it' somehow.

in any case i am sitting down to write 15 pages in the next ten hours, and i started to review some interviews with niki caro (who did whale rider, the film i am analyzing in the paper i am about to write.) the first thing i read about was this:

"Although Pai is just a child, her instinct is to empower those around her. And although harshly treated, she responds with love and compassion. So in a way the film is about the compassion of children but it is also about compassionate leadership.
"That's because for me, leadership is about service--it's not about being the guy up front shouting and getting all the glory.
"My understanding [of the servant-leader concept] is that leadership involves acknowledging that the work you are doing is a lot bigger than yourself and your own ego."

the rest of the interview is worth reading. here is the link:


i think you may have to pay to access it; i caught the article on one of the promotional weeks when you could access parts of the database for free. (it seems like a wonderful resource for research by the way).

in any case i feel humbled and ashamed for my emotions earlier this week. i have always known the craziness with the groups i lead is part and parcel of the leadership burden; but sometimes it gets too hard to handle, and that's when your real strength as a leader pulls through. no one except for my closest friends know how much anger i have harbored this year, because as a leader i felt a responsibility to represent the group and lead the group well, and happily. i know i did my best. and that knowledge, finally, has dissipated my angry emotions, and allowed me to be who i really am. (and niki caro helped too).

georges has given me a wonderful idea for a quartet of paintings. i can't wait to get started! it's about the sun, moon, and stars, and a party.... :)

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posted by sappho
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