~ the evolution of dreams ~
March 27, 2005,2:35 p.m.
tra la
when i was a young lass of twenty or so,
give or take a few years,
i jumped a few logs to avoid some frogs
and landed quite without tears.

these frogs are the nasty
crumbling sort, who lecture
at all who pass by;
but me, oh my, i passed them by,

much to my vicious delight.
and here i am with four weeks left
and a bundle of paper to show,
before i hit the world with a thud

and happily scream all that i know.
goodbye dear frogs, you horrid things,
i just managed to escape your ranks;
i shall go through life in a happy jig

and to you froggies i give no thanks.

tra la.


posted by sappho
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