~ the evolution of dreams ~
June 15, 2005,10:26 a.m.
this is for c
ah, so you see, here i am again. at the brilliant suggestion of my friend c, (yet again, the friend who suggested i begin this blog in the first place), she has said (at my complaints of boredom) that i should quit reading all the entries in other blogs - such as liberry.blogspot.com - and actually WRITE in mine.

not much has happened lately. i have a job. tony and i are taking care of a friend's cat (more stories about that soon.) the apartment is working out well - quiet, good view, thank GOD for the air conditioning. this past week has been HOT.

the cat.

the cat's name is pipsqueak. please note, this isn't my cat. i didn't name him. i would have chosen something a bit more meaty, i think. i also think that animals' personalities are in some way shape or form determined by their names. and so pipsqueak lives up to his name by being nothing other than a pipsqueak. he actively tries to annoy tony and i by defying our rules (no jumping on counters. no clawing the couch. no meowing at 2 AM, 2:30 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, 5 AM, and 6 AM ad nauseum). we have a spray bottle that pipsqueak's real owner uses to indicate when pipsqueak's behaviour is undesirable. problem is, the spray bottle doesn't work.

saying no sort of works. clapping ones hands sort of works. but tony and i are working people, and our little apartment is more of a pipsqueak palace than the home of tony and sappho. so who is to say that pipsqueak doesn't leap from counter to counter to couch to coffee table to kitchen table to counter and back again without once touching the floor when tony and sappho are gone from 8:30 - 6:00 every day?

we have attempted to protect the couch by covering it with old comforters. unfortunately we haven't had time to tie the comforters in place yet so pipsqueak has discovered that there is a wonderful hiding spot between the comforter and the couch, by the floor. problem 1: he claws the couch when he hides there. problem 2: he recently discovered that the COMFORTER ISN'T ACTUALLY ATTACHED TO THE COUCH, i.e. he can jump up under the comforter and land on the couch, WHAT FUN. so in order to deter him i told him no, and pulled the comforter up farther, at which pipsqueak mewed in sad protest and sat at the base of the couch with his head stuck under the edge of the comforter and his ass on the floor, much like an ostrich on a beach (except his head was stuck up, not down.) it was then that he jumped up under the comforter onto the couch.


i am going to see if calling him buddha will change his personality or not.


posted by sappho
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