~ the evolution of dreams ~
May 11, 2005,8:38 p.m.
the couch is grey. greyish-green. a suede material, not too puffy, pretty long. the colour description calls it 'sage'. it is not a sage couch though. haha.

tony is here. it's very grey outside. a gorgeous sunset (moving from golden yellows to soft pinks, all hitting the buildings that constitute our, ahem, view). it looks like it might actually storm for once, though.

i was just typing while looking out the window (completely unconsciously, of course.) until t said, "showoff". oops. see what happens when you train young humans to type when they are young? spoiled. and i can even spell properly when i'm not looking. disgusting.

we had gnocchi for dinner tonight. along with my other odd pronunciation quirks from childhood, gnocchi is one of the words i cannot break. i pronounce it 'nochi', instead of 'nyoki'. if that makes any sense. at least i pronounce aisle properly now. (that was kind of embarrassing.)

ok i'm off. tony just corrected my spelling of 'ynoki'. seems as if i will never beat the mispronunciation complex i have in relation to gnocchi.

we have a couch!!!!

~ sappho, sprawling in sage


posted by sappho
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