~ the evolution of dreams ~
October 12, 2006,1:01 p.m.
o for air
alrighty i've had enough. i am starting to feel better - i.e. i'm not stuck in bed! i'm not constantly coughing! - but woe betide me if i expect to be able to draw a full breath.

oh ho, i have been just generally run down, so the doctors say - yet they still can't figure out what's wrong. well, they know some things. such as the fact that i have bronchitis, and that's why i can't breathe, because the little trees in my rib cage have lesions and are clogged. it seems i need an eavestrough company to clear out my air passageways.

but you see, i can't breathe - so i'm taking this stuff:

which stops me coughing so my lesions can heal (so i've been told) but it gives me the shakes and i still can't take a full breath.

so i'm tired and can't think straight a lot of the time. because there isn't any oxygen going to my brain. there hasn't been, for over a month.

all i really want is air, sometimes. a lot of air. and for the pressure in my throat and chest to go away. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

how many brain cells do you think i've lost, not being able to breath fully for a month?

i think i've lost:


posted by sappho
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