~ the evolution of dreams ~
October 10, 2006,12:18 p.m.
i got my hair cut today at o coiffure, which is just down the street. my brother told me about his hairdresser there and i went this morning and promptly fell in love. my hair ADORES this guy, it is falling in all the right places and looks happy.

toni is not feeling well today so he took the day off work and is snoozing. it's lovely having him home, even if he is unconscious in the next room. we'll watch kung fu hustle before i trott off to meetings and have to be all grown-up. me with my new haircut and snazzy business clothes. !

toni and i are in raptures over a delicious treat a friend of mine brought from japan. it's a kind of sugared fruit rind, but the fruit is a cross between a lemon and an orange. the flavour is incredibly strong and absolutely delicious. maybe they are kind of like mikan but i am not sure. i will ask my friend to translate the name for me again and i'll try to find it online. i hope i can find some in an asian supermarket here in t.o. the hunt is on!


posted by sappho
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