~ the evolution of dreams ~
April 7, 2006,11:54 a.m.
incorrigible brain cells
i have a really bad habit of mulling over things that are bothering me constantly - it's like i can't leave a problem alone because i KNOW there's a solution, i just can't seem to bloody find it right away. and i'm convinced if i keep thinking about the problem from different angles that i will eventually figure it out.

but my current problem is one that can't really be fixed until i am able to get out of the place i'm working in (ah ha, some of you are thinking; you know what i'm talking about because you've been there before) so i've made a new rule: when i'm not at work, i'm not allowed to think about work. or rather the problem at work. it's a lot harder to do than i originally thought, but i'm happy to practise A LOT about not thinking about the problem at work when i'm not at work.

so the things i am allowed to think about when i'm not at work are:
The World.
the Dance Coalition. (sigh).

and that's it folks. NO WORK THOUGHTS ALLOWED. i think i need to get that phrase tattooed to my forehead though. cuz it's going to take a LOT of practise.

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posted by sappho
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