~ the evolution of dreams ~
January 31, 2006,11:41 p.m.
my room is filled with dragonflies
ahhh!! in 28 minutes it's going to be february!! and then in 22 days i'm going to be 23, yippee!
i am in hamilton for classes, things are going ok...i'm haven't really slept much yet because this place is so old. it's a huge house that a senator used to own, and then he sold it to the sisters of the precious blood (they're a sisterhood from quebec). the SPB sold it to unity church, so now it is a non-denominational retreat centre. anyway the building has radiators that heat it and the steam is so noisy i swear it sounds like there are ghosts trapped in the pipes and they are trying to get out. and there's a huge tarp outside my window that flaps in really windy weather so no sleep for me!! hence i am blogging with 28 minutes until february. there have been more exciting moments in my life.

what are all of you guys up to in the big t-dot?! molly i got your email, you sweetheart. i miss you too!! come back to toronto faster!! ok well as fast as you can. life just isn't the same without you darlin'. i am sitting beside mona (one of my classmates) she can't sleep either and we are typing on the only two computers in the building that have internet access.

you know this place is quite interesting in terms of its history. it is on a mountain in hamilton (ok it's a really big hill) and the view is fantastic. can you imagine what a huge impressive and spooky place this must have been when the senator built it? kind of like the neighborhood ghost house...

well i'm learning about how to get a good board of directors and effectively structure an arts organization to make a lot of money. i don't know if i'll end up in the arts, but here's something i can definitely tell you, i will apply my skills in learning how to make a lot of money. JUST KIDDING! i am a pisces after all. non-materialistic, that's me.


write me!!



posted by sappho
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