~ the evolution of dreams ~
October 26, 2005,10:00 p.m.
i got home at 7 PM after a tourism toronto mixer (i know, i know) (i had one free gin & tonic, it was yummy, i couldn't pay for anything else) and i thought, yippee, tony is in class, i have time to write a blog!! then i was hit with a REALITY FLASH.

i had tons of work to do. so, i unloaded the dishwasher, put the dirty ones in, then sat down and organized myself for the dance coalition's meeting tomorrow, created a media list for all the student media groups (newspapers and radio) on campus, wrote a press release for the toronto japanese short film festival, sent it out, and boom.

now i'm writing my blog entry.

hum. not much has happened lately. i'm really busy with work (hence the, ahem, no entry factor on blog lately). it's pretty boring stuff at work - some interesting projects come my way, but the majority is rote work that makes me want to barf occasionally. only occasionally. i'm not dealing with nausea every day. it's not that bad. (yet).

tony and i are going to a fundraiser for a friend's new theatre company (www.theatresmash.com - there isn't anything up on their site yet (there wasn't as of yesterday tho) but it will be an interesting company, i guarantee you...so it's worth checking back once in a while. you won't regret the dedication.) and it's a masquerade hallowe'en bash. so i'm dressing up as the corpse bride, and tony is going to be victor. we have everything for both of our costumes, except for a maggot. does anyone know where i can get a stuffed fuzzy maggot somewhere in the vicinity of BCE Place/Eaton Centre before Friday night at 8 PM? the maggot has to have wire in it (and be fuzzy) so i can wrap it around my mask and/or veil. suggestions? anyone? pleeeeease? i have wracked my brains. my ever-tiny neurons have not been of help, damn them. I WANT MY MAGGOT.

other than that, it's getting colder out, and i'm hoping it'll get warmer because i found new buttons for my fall jacket which i wasn't able to wear at all during the "fall" due to lack of buttons(quotes because it's STILL OCTOBER Y'HEAR?! technically it IS fall, for the dimwits up there who seem to think otherwise). anyway these buttons are really cool, and they look snazzy on my jacket, and i am being all materialistic and disgusting while genuinely just wanting warm weather. cuz i'm a wimp and not canadian at all.

i am sore and creaky after sitting here for about three hours and tony just got in from class so i need to go talk to him and stop talking with the internet.

oh. he's coming to work on the computer.


so much for quality communication in relationships.

(just kidding.)

(sort of).

~ the ever-irresistible sappho


posted by sappho
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