~ the evolution of dreams ~
April 8, 2008,7:52 p.m.
i commented on c's post about drew's hair harvest last week, indicating that while i can't donate to drew's good cause right now, i was (and am) inspired to also donate my hair.

c was surprised that i had hair long enough to donate. i saw my hairdresser today who fully supports my intentions to donate, and we talked about it for quite a while. the upshot is, i'm going to grow my hair a bit longer to donate more, even out my layers, and still have a fair amount of hair left to play with in a shorter cut. i like keeping my hair long right now, so after i donate what i have i plan to grow it out again, which means my hair should be shoulder-length (or just above my shoulders) so it doesn't grow out funny :)

here's a pic t took of my hair before we went to the hairdresser's today. the pic was taken outside on our balcony.

here i am with my bangs (a first for me!)

i can't believe it was warm enough outside today for me to be comfy in short sleeves!

so i'll grow my hair a few more inches, and hopefully you'll have before and after pics by mid to late summer.

btw c, how come we can't permalink to your posts? i'd have liked to but i couldn't find an option so i just linked to your blog :)

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posted by sappho
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