~ the evolution of dreams ~
March 30, 2008,10:15 a.m.
earth hour
it's early on a sunday morning. i've made & eaten breakfast; the dishwasher is going; the door to our balcony is open and a cool breeze is wafting in as i type. i've written my letter in response to my lay-off (sucks) and have sent off yet another application (*hope*hope*hope*). it's a good start to another day. i'm getting a haircut for the summer on wednesday...if i like it, i'll post pics :) if not, i'll log on here and whine. and remind myself that my hair grows really, really fast.

yesterday t & i participated in earth hour. did any of you? it was really lovely. we turned off everything except for the fridge, and watched as the signs behind our building - manulife centre, bmo, td waterhouse, cibc, the marriott, the bay - all blinked off one by one, followed by the cn tower (which i've never seen so dark before in my life, btw). the whole residences at the manulife centre were dark except for one or two apartments. it was really cool. they've had a huge sign up in the lobby which i saw every morning on the way to work, letting people know what earth hour was about and what to do. even the lobby was pitch black! we saw it when walking back to our place around 8 pm.

t & i lit candles and ate ice cream, and had quelque chose (we have two bottles left from our trip to montreal. i will be sad when it's all gone). we cuddled on the couch and watched all the lights come back on. it really was amazing how many lights were off - but there were still so many on. it made me so sad. don't people care about our earth? or did people just not know in spite of the circulation of news and events?

i saw a few stars when the lights were off. it's been ages since i've seen stars in t.o.

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posted by sappho
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