~ the evolution of dreams ~
December 5, 2006,11:46 a.m.
my 2 nats
toni is getting better. he is feeling yucky only because of the antibiotics – the last one of which he took this morning. thanks to all of you who sent good wishes; toni and i were particularly worried because neither of us have ever seen him this sick. it was a nasty one. the weather changes are making everyone catch cold – we had such a warm november, and then poof! december hit, with below zero temperatures and the promise of clinking nose-hairs to come. today is the first day where the snow that has fallen from the sky has stayed. maybe we’ll have a white christmas after all.

in other news

nat in ottawa
i had the chance to catch up on sunday with my wonderful girlfriend nat. she moved to ottawa in september and her absence here is gaping for me. aside from the fact that i have become increasingly absent-minded in the past week and forgot i promised to call her on sunday (either due to early alzheimer’s or assuming more than one role at once – i can either be nurse or fundraiser, but not both at the same time it seems) nat was very gracious and overlooked the fact that my head cavity is empty. we talked about everything that’s happened over the past few months with both of us – so much, for me, that i can’t mention here, and so much for nat, with her training to become a teacher and her experiences in ottawa. i can’t wait to see her at the end of december.

nat in kingston
nat and i have been playing phone tag for the past month, trying to catch up :) she’s finally back in t.o. for a short bit, before going back to vancouver for the holidays. there are no words to express how excited i am to see her. i was spoiled, having her as a neighbour in the apartment building just south-west of ours; now that she’s gone, every time i look at the building she used to live in, there’s a little pang as i realize she’s not there anymore. she’s going to be here in 20 minutes and i can barely contain myself with expectation!

i guess that’s one of the perks of the holidays – people start traveling and you see those friends and family members that you maybe wouldn’t otherwise. this year it’s going to be a bit different in our household, as the older kids are all going to india for three weeks over the holidays. it’s exciting for them; and it will be interesting to see their photos of their trip when they get back. it will be strange for the younger three of us, though – we’ve never spent a christmas like this before. it will be fine, but – i will miss them.

r.i.p. ibm
my ibm is on hiatus – it decided to go coo-coo and its screen has completely pixellated. so i can’t access anything :( when i get my darling laptop back in working order please excuse me if i go a bit nuts with pictures and graphics and things. i’ve been deprived.

consider yourself warned.


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posted by sappho
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