~ the evolution of dreams ~
October 13, 2006,3:20 p.m.
tongue twisters
*see note at bottom

perhaps it’s inherent in the nature of language. in the construction of the word. but something about language drags chaos and conflict in its wake.

i love words. so many people do. we use them, to speak, express our emotions, to connect with other humans, because we need to – we need to be heard, we need to be touched.

i am so angry that in 2006, NOW, TODAY, THIS MINUTE, people still try to stop other people from speaking. from writing. from being heard.

no one should dare to impede another’s right to freely utilize words, especially when they are using those words for the expression of ideas. for the expression of intelligence. for the expression of genius. for the betterment of the human race.

we can – when faced with words aimed to hurt, aimed with malicious intent – deal with these words as best we can, with other words. i feel so stupid writing this, writing this when it is one of the lessons your parents teach you when you are five, or six: “don’t hit, use your words.” use your words. i wish with all my heart we could let people use their words without fear.

no one possesses the right to make people afraid to speak out. no government, no parent, no one. we shouldn’t be afraid.

use your words.

*Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children would be in this pile but i lent it.


posted by sappho
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