~ the evolution of dreams ~
January 7, 2005,11:06 p.m.
omg. i have never managed to read as much in an evening in my life.
this is a mutually exclusive statement. it pertains to readings for academic courses, period. because i have managed to read WAY more, for pleasure, in one evening. believe me.

talibah, i hope you had a wonderful birthday. the cake sounds delicious (swirly vanilla and chocolate on the inside, with chocolate icing, as described to me by c). happy birthday girl! you're 22!!!!!

i am in the midst of reading freud's beyond the pleasure principle. it's so fascinating. there is one description/example that he uses regarding children's play (the way kids incorporate problems into their play, in order to work through the problems. he parallels the function of children's play with the function of dreams in an adult's life) that is absolutely beautiful. freud starts out by describing a game invented by a 1 & 1/2 year old boy, who throws away his toys and says 'o-o-o-o' (which freud decodes as the german word for 'gone' - don't ask me about the linguistic coding of kid language. it's beyond me. hahahahaha.) (sorry, that was a rebarbative pun.) and then the kid 'rediscovers' his 'lost' toys, accompanying his discovery with the baby word 'da' that is the german word for 'here'.

anyhow freud suggests this entire game is fabricated in order for the kid to deal with his mother's absences - the child is very attached to his mother, and she often has to absent herself for a few hours a day (to do errands, perhaps??) BUT, the classic part of this example freud illustrates is an instance where the mother returns and the baby says 'baby o-o-o-o!' freud says that while the mother was gone, the child made himself disappear. GASP. isn't that amazing?!!! the child accomplished this by using a mirror that only showed him from the waist up, and by ducking, the kid vanished from the glass. AMAZING. gotta love the brilliant self-reflexivity of the little munchkins.

Molly, this story was for you. :) LOVE YA!
posted by sappho
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