~ the evolution of dreams ~
January 3, 2005,3:19 a.m.
i should be writing about paradise lost, or something useful.
ok i really should be in bed. i finished a paper (finally, under much duress, all of it my own fault...) and now i'm, well, trying to eat and sitting staring at my computer in shock. i'm NOT ready for school to start. i am still trying to register the fact that i have to be up at 7:30 AM tomorrow to run errands and go to classes, and come home and write more papers.

life. anyone??

the wonderful news that i keep reminding myself is that not only is it 2005 - but - gasp, shudder, leap with excitement - i will be OUTTA HERE in eleven weeks. ELEVEN WEEKS. eleven weeks. home stretch, finally.

oh yes, i will update the pics on my website eventually. it will take a bit longer to get my photos of germany, switzerland, etc. up because i need to find the negatives and then sell my soul to pay for the transfer to CD. yes. so i'll upload them when i'm in hell. in the meantime, please enjoy tony's pictures from croatia (which are heavenly, btw. I'M SORRY. it's late. i couldn't resist. as always.)

catchya later.
posted by sappho
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