~ the evolution of dreams ~
June 24, 2008,11:28 a.m.
body collation
so i just got my face peeled, for the second time, and there is a spot in the middle of my forehead that is burning like ice. it's the weirdest feeling.

i decided to start taking my skin seriously and well, so far it's been good. except the appointments have been monthly and they happen to coincide with the week where i get my period, and the day before i generally start bleeding. which means a few things: my skin is at its worst; i am tired, because i don't sleep well before i get my period; i am generally feeling vulnerable and teary. so, it didn't help when my cosmetologist pointed out that i have some extra hair on my face that, combined with my acne, might mean i have PCOS. first of all, she was smart enough to suggest i ask my gynecologist about that when i see him in two weeks. second of all, i HATE IT when people suggest i have diseases and should get it checked out. can't they just suggest that i ask to get my ovaries checked out without putting a disease to it? so far in my life it has been suggested to me by various renegade doctors/nurses that i suffer from:

glucose intolerance
pelvic inflammatory disease
stupidity (i am not kidding you. i only saw that GP once and i high-tailed it out of there)
and now,
polycystic ovary syndrome

i have had my ovaries checked out due to sharp pain, and it was suggested i had a cyst that burst. my mum's sister had cysts on her ovaries, so i am not averse to getting this checked out again. meaning, i will ask my doctor to schedule an ultrasound to have my ovaries checked again, and i am also going to try to change my pill so I NEVER GET MY PERIOD AGAIN SO HELP ME GREAT SPIRIT WHO LOVES TO FUCK WITH MY BRAIN.

it's just, i hate the whole going-to-the-doctor experience. it's also really hard to take the 'extra hair on the face' thing. it's not horrific, but combined with the acne and rosacea and anxiety issues my cup is kind of full. and i am pre-period.

so today, i feel like godzilla. i'm staying in and doing pilates. and drinking tea. and probably crying a bit, while wishing that the ice-burn on my forehead would go away and that my tear ducts would dry up.

in happier news, i have discovered Legally Blonde. i am seriously in love with it :)

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posted by sappho
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