~ the evolution of dreams ~
December 6, 2006,1:59 p.m.
here is something to keep us in touch as we are in our different places over the holidays. you can look at it as a little exercise that only we choose to do at the end of each year; also you can view it as an acknowledgement of the year that’s passed, and a simultaneous turning toward the year to come.

let’s each write a post, to be published on our respective blogs near the end of the month (before dec. 31st). i’m going to be really nice too, and give you a structure (which is, of course, entirely optional). and don’t worry. i will be writing one too.

first, for the sake of connection, let’s choose the same title. i suggest 2006 last post, by ___ but, if you have a better idea, suggest it in the comments and we’ll vote on it.

now, for the structure, or suggestions for content – which are completely optional:

include what you like and/or dislike about the holiday tradition in canada or whatever country you are currently residing in (molly!).
describe something you and your family do, as a personal tradition, during the holidays. perhaps also you can include information about culturally specific differences that are particular to your own celebration of the holidays.
describe a favourite moment (or a family story that involves you) that occurred during the holidays from childhood.
tell us what you eat/ate over the holidays. please.
look back on 2006. what kind of person were you, at the beginning? how have you changed? what has happened to you this year? what are your favourite moments from 2006?
look forward to 2007. where do you think you are heading, as a person? what do you think will happen? what do you want to happen?
new year’s resolution(s). c’mon. a new year isn’t a new year without them.

i’m giving you a lot of head’s up so you can work on it at your own tempo (c!) and i think this will become a fun tradition to do every year. here’s who i hope to have 2006 last posts from:


let me know if you’re up for it, darlings. i know i am.


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posted by sappho
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