~ the evolution of dreams ~
December 14, 2009,9:22 a.m.
i can't believe how long it's been since i've written. it's hard to think of things i can write about that aren't too personal, or work-related (which i try to avoid - might as well learn what we can from situations like dooce's, right?), and with my work schedule being completely all over the place...time has pretty much flown. at least i've been enjoying myself.

anyway, i was looking at my calendar and realized that NEXT WEEK IS CHRISTMAS, how did that happen? which means we are all due for our catch-up letters, our little posts that cover the past year and create a bridge to the next.

leave a comment to let me know if you're in this year. i hope you're all doing well and - i've missed you guys!!



posted by sappho
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