~ the evolution of dreams ~
June 26, 2007,1:31 p.m.
have you noticed lately how many news items' titles have words in quotes? like:

family 'in shock' after deadly bus crash
no gun involved in 'bizarre' death of family and wrestler

the worst one was a headline about the madeleine mccann case, where the word used to describe the feeling of the parents of madeleine mccann was thrown in quotes. am i the only one who has an issue with this? is it a reaction that is ingrained because i studied english? i read these headlines and they seem sarcastic. like, that family wasn't really in shock. the journalist doesn't think they were in shock. but they said they were in shock, so the journalist will quote them as saying they were in shock. the quotes make me read the headlines as if they are jokes. the words aren't to be taken seriously. it's 'bizarre'. apparently. i'm quoting. so the word shouldn't be taken seriously. seriously. it was a quote. of a quote.

in other weirdness, but nice weirdness, i was reading mimi smartypants' new entry and she mentions franny glass, from franny and zooey by j.d. salinger, which i just read on friday because meg lent it to me. cool!

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posted by sappho
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