~ the evolution of dreams ~
December 7, 2007,1:23 p.m.
the kiss, amongst other things
ok my favourite part of last night's episode, besides the fact it wasn't a rerun? (cue leaps of joy and manic giggling)

meredith telling dr. hahn to shut up. hands down my fave moment EVER. and the look on brooke shield's face afterwards = priceless.

i watched this episode with a friend of mine and tony. at the kiss moment, cue the following:

ALL THREE: OMG/YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING/NOOOOOO! (guess which one was me kekekeke)
ME & FRIEND (call her N):
N: That's so CONTRIVED!
ME: I know: "Rose: I fix computers! Derek: That's so sexy. Let's go find a hotel NOW."
N: It just doesn't work. They have no chemistry!

i totally agree. you can't fake chemistry unfortunately. i wasn't on tenterhooks when derek and rose kissed, i was more like....ew. and believe me, it's not because rose is getting between mer and der. when addy and der kissed they put me on tenterhooks. they had chemistry too. there's just something not working.

and i am already sick of rose's catchphrase "i'm an imperfect person". shut up already!! what's with the writers? they're good. season 1 and season 2 proved it. what happened???


posted by sappho
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