~ the evolution of dreams ~
March 8, 2007,5:56 p.m.
how many of you knew this post was coming?

ok you all win.

i signed up for facebook recently, after realizing that - while i thought i had an account and hadn't logged in for a while - that that wasn't true: i didn't have an account. so i fixed that. now the addictiveness of facebook has infiltrated my life, to the point where i don't eat, i don't sleep, i don't answer the phone, and i can barely manage to type this post without flipping back to the facebook tab to see what's happenin'.

but really, what is happening?

you can sit and refresh, to see if anyone's done anything in the last 5 nanoseconds since you last refreshed. you can surf profiles and choose all the cute guys you can find to add as friends. you can be stuck with an awkward friend request from someone you haven't heard from in years because you never really had conversations that lasted longer than 5 nanoseconds in the first place with them. you can have even awkwarder moments when someone requests/messages/writes on your wall and your first reaction is, "who IS this person?!" and then a few days later you realize who it is, and simultaneously realize you FORGOT THEY EXISTED. and now they found you. on facebook.

the whole thing is a big trade off. you get to play around with friends you always played with; you get to stay in touch and keep track of where the people you always cared about from the first second you met them are; and you get to try to avoid the memories/constant messages/writing on your wall from people you thought you'd never hear from again, a thought that gave you secret relief - a relief now instantly jeopardized by the almighty person-finder, facebook.

facebook teaches you one thing: even when you've moved on from your past, it can catch up with you.

facebook also teaches you something else. it's worthy of the corporation-esque powerpoint slides on the net, passed around by that anti-big brother vehicle, email.

say hello to the CIA for me!


posted by sappho
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