~ the evolution of dreams ~
January 27, 2005,7:19 p.m.
re: invasion of pixar lamp into my home
i felt like i had to post a legitimately *interesting* photograph after subjecting you to all those endless solid-ish background experimental photos. i took this one while experimenting with tony's camera and the 'advanced modes' (i.e. ooo! i can take pictures in b&w OR sepia!!!!)

when i showed tony this pic he said immediately, "that's so cool. it looks like the pixar lamp!" and so, ladies and gentlemen, i am now the official owner of the pixar lamp.

i think at this point the pixar lamp was pretending to be the main star detective in its very own film noir.

i leave the creative ideas for a title to the (forthcoming) blockbuster film noir starring the one & only pixar lamp up to you guys.

enjoy! ;)

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posted by sappho
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